Most recently, EGL Certificates that grade precious gemstones have come under fire by groups such as RapNet, the diamond trading network operated by the Rapaport Group, due to disparities between some EGL reports and GIA, reports. GIA established the diamond grading system used in most of the jewelry industry. GIA, which is world’s foremost authority on diamonds, colored stones, and pearls, also provides certification for diamonds and the like, and has been the go-­to source for diamond grading across the industry.

Once you have purchased a gemstone or diamond from a jeweler or other retailer, you may receive a report telling you all about the stone you’ve just purchased. The difference between these reports is in regard to the kind of information it provides. Throughout the marketplace, there exist many types of certification and reports on gemstones such as GIA Reports (Colored Stone, Origin and Analytical Reports) prepared by the GIA Laboratory, reports from the American Gem Society (AGS) Laboratories, but also there are Diamond Certificates available from GCAL, which is run, and founded, by the Palmeiri Group. Also run and owned by the Palmeiri group, is GemPrint, the world’s most sophisticated and non-invasive diamond identification and registration system.
By getting legitimate reports whenever you purchase gems or diamonds and either in addition to having them registered in a system similar to GemPrint, you set the bar incredibly high regarding your peace of mind, but also security for your diamond or gemstone jewelry.

Below, we have listed for you a few of the companies that we’ve done business with in the past and whose reports we rely upon. Now, more than ever it is important to know your jeweler and his credentials to be able to show you reports on your jewelry and what is means to you.

  1. Gem Certification and Assurance Lab (GCAL)–www.gemfacts.com
  2. American Gem Society (AGS)–www.americangemsociety.org
  3. Gemological Institute of America (GIA)–www.gia.edu

If you need assistance, call us at 713-623-­6996 or email gems@designerjewels.co